Sessions and Sail Songwriting 2025 - Oban to Oban

May 11th - 17th 2025

Price: £1,640 per person; this price includes all food, accommodation, sessions and workshops throughout the trip.

We're excited to announce that, after a great inaugural Songwriting voyage in May 2024, we will partner with Shetland Songwriting Festival again in 2025 to bring ace Scottish songwriter Jenny Sturgeon, and Louis Abbott of Admiral Fallow.

Join us aboard two-masted brigantine Lady of Avenel, taking inspiration from the stunning coast of Scotland. Explore the anchorages and harbours we pause in along the way.

On this retreat-style voyage, you can expect two workshop sessions a day, as conditions allow,  where you will write songs, collaborate with your shipmates and improve your writing skills under the guidance of Jenny and Louis.  Workshops will focus on the tools of songwriting - including song structure, lyrics, melody, meter, song subject, story songs and much more!

These sessions will be interspersed with sailing - departing or arriving from anchorages, passing iconic stretches of Scottish coast, or helping the crew manoeuvre the ship under sail.

Aboard, you will find a welcoming and encouraging environment in which you may explore your own songwriting, collaborate with others, or draw inspiration from the voyage and the ever-changing scenes and moods of your surroundings.

You may choose to get involved in the sailing - helping the Lady's crew set sails, steering the ship, or discussing navigation over a coffee with the skipper; or you may prefer to watch the scenery glide past, or look out for whales, dolphins or eagles from the foredeck.

Rest up when you need to in your comfortable twin-

The ship will be your base and your floating home for a week-long voyage of exploration, creativity and music.

The trip and the workshops are open to EVERYONE, from complete beginners to experienced songwriters. No sailing experience is required.

​We look forward to having you join us!



Start and end your voyage in Oban, gateway to the Hebrides! Known for its beautiful bay, regular CalMac ferries, a lively music scene, and the colloseum-esque MacCaig's Tower on the hillside, Oban is the ideal place to set out from.

The Garvellachs

These uninhabited islands have a very special atmosphere all of their own. WIth monastic 'bee-hive' structures from the 6th Century AD, visited by St Brendan the Navigator, this peaceful place looks across at mainland Scotland, Mull, and the firth of Lorne.

Iona Sound

White sands, rocky shores and an anchorage overlooked by the famous Abbey; Iona is a very special place indeed; home to a welcoming community of around 170.


Staffa is home to the famous Fingal's Cave. The basalt columns that make up this island are spectacular; as are the acoustics in the cave...need we say more?!

Treshnish Isles

Photo by Rob Schulze: "Three Puffins on Lunga, Treshnish Isles" by somekindofrob is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Uninhabited except by a colony of puffins, some exceptionally friendly seals and a wonderful array of other wildlife, we will drop anchor here amid the Treshnish Islands if weather conditions are good.

Who is the trip aimed at?

If you have an interest in songwriting, and the desire to learn new tools and techniques, this trip is for you. Instrumentalists are welcome of course, but we don't require you to play an instrument. 

No sailing experience is necessary, but those keen to participate will be encouraged to join in the sailing of the ship should they wish to, whether steering, helping set and trim the sails, or even climbing the mast for the finest view of all.

Accommodation on board

You will be allocated a berth in one of our six double cabins. For solo travellers, cabins will be allocated on a same-sex basis; if two people travelling together wish to share a cabin, we recommend booking early to ensure availability.

There are two showers and three toilets in the accommodation; these are shared.

Meals are prepared in the modern upper deck galley; these are of a high standard and prepared by our own chef. Meals, tea and coffee are included in the price of the trip.

The upper deck saloon provides an ideal place to socialise and, with the tables cleared away, will be the perfect session space for the evenings we spend aboard. Should the weather be fair enough, we may be able to play sessions on deck.

Likely Itinerary

The following itinerary is a suggestion of how the trip may take form; all destinations are subject to change, are weather dependant, and are at the discretion of the Captain. 


Day 1

In Oban, we find the Lady of Avenel berthed at the North Pier pontoons. We find our cabins, stow gear then meet our shipmates over lunch. At 2pm we are welcomed aboard and given our safety briefing by the Captain and crew.

Leaving Oban Bay through Kerrera Sound, we head south - towards the Garvellach Islands, if weather conditions are ideal. These uninhabited islands boast a small fair-weather anchorage just large enough to allow the Lady to swing around an anchor, with a great view of the beehive-style monastic structures built here in the 7th century AD.

After dinner is cleared away, we gather in the Lady of Avenel’s upper saloon and songs and ideas, getting to know better our group, crew and tutors. 

Day 2

After breakfast - and a swim, if brave enough - we raise anchor and continue our voyage west, along the south coast of Mull.

If we have a fair wind, you can help the crew set sail; then Jenny and Louis will gather the group in the Lady's bright saloon for the first workshop task.

In the early afternoon, we drop anchor at Erraid Island, the spot where Robert Louis Stevenson’s fictional hero David Balfour was shipwrecked in ‘Kidnapped’. Here, we enjoy the beach and a second workshop. 

After dinner we share and chat about some of our musical ideas over a few songs. 

Day 3 

Over in Iona, we have the chance to go ashore and ponder this morning’s writing task. The inspiring surroundings will no doubt bear an impact on your creativity, whether it’s the beaches, the wild hillsides, the small-village charm or the history of this place that grabs your attention.

Underway once more, we take the chance to learn some more about the sails and operation of the ship from the crew of the Lady of Avenel; then, take the opportunity to consider our songwriting projects under the guidance of Jenny and Louis. 

Arriving at the Treshnish Islands in the late afternoon, you take the opportunity for an evening stroll ashore and a look at the puffins, seals and wildlife that inhabit this remote set of islands.

Day 4 

Today, if the weather is fair and winds suggest it, we may sail west to Gunna Sound, between Coll and Tiree; or we may opt to head in towards Ulva and the wild West parts of Mull. We like to make sure we can sail the Lady whenever possible so we will choose a direction that makes best use of the wind.

More collaboration, writing and creative tasks will be set by Jenny and Louis; by evening, after a good day of sailing and writing, we are ready to enjoy a peaceful anchorage and share some of our projects with the group.

Day 5 

We set off early to beat the tourist boats that head to Staffa; if we get this right we will have Fingal’s Cave all to ourselves.

The cave resonates on B flat or B, depending on the state of the tide… perhaps something you have written may sound good sung in this environment?

We sail on by lunch time, heading South now – back through the Sound of Iona, and towards Jura; we are headed to the Great Race of Corryvreckan, with its famous whirlpool. 

As we sail along we are set a further writing task by Jenny and Louis; contemplate this as you watch the mountains of Jura approach. We arrive in the evening, just as the tide is slackening, and are able to pull in to Baigh nam Glean nam Muc, just off the stream.

Day 6 

It's time to start considering our final evening - tonight we plan to hold a last-night event where we may perform a couple of songs for each other. Our tutors and sailing crew may be persuaded to give us a performance as well! 

We depart the Corryvreckan early afternoon, when the tide allows us; we sail north, to Ardencaple Bay, a beautiful anchorage amid a jumble of islands.

I'm the evening we enjoy our last dinner together, then clear away and prepare for the performance in the Lady's cosy saloon! 

Day 7 

It’s the last morning - we enjoy a breakfast aboard as the Lady of Avenel heads back towards Oban. 

Once tied up, we say our goodbyes and head off in our various directions - with instruments in hand, a wad of new songs, and a wealth of experiences, memories and new friends made.